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Must we Speak in Tongues to Have the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?


By: Thomas F. Booher 

 The following is taken from notes from a sermon I preached on 8-8-21. 

I.       QUESTION TO EXPLORE: Why would Jesus submit to a baptism of REPENTANCE?

A.      We’ve seen how John affirms His unworthiness to unlatch Jesus’ shoe, much less baptize Him.

       1.      John says in Mt. 3:14 “I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?” to which Jesus says, “Permit it to be so no, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.”

       2.      So, certainly Jesus had no sin to repent of, but this fulfilled righteousness, by Jesus identifying with His people in their baptism, that He would be condemned in their place as a law-breaker.

       3.      Just as Jesus is without sin yet must come to the cross to atone for His people’s sin, He is without need of repentance yet must come to the baptism of repentance in order to identify with His people.

       4.      But also Jesus submits to this baptism b/c, at this moment, we see the surpassing ministry/glory of Jesus’ ministry over John’s come to fruition.

a.       It is here that God speaks audibly and appears visibly in the form of a dove, so that John and any others would know Jesus’ surpassing glory/ministry.

b.       Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit b/c He is anointed and full of the Holy Spirit unlike anyone who has come before Him. He pleases the Father, yet will be burned with the unrepentant chaff!

B.      Also, do not miss that, at Jesus’ baptism, He is named as the Father’s Beloved Son.

       1.      Those who heard about this understood who Jesus was, and also that submitting to John’s baptism of repentance was blessed by God.

       2.      So we see that true repentance, true obedience, brings true blessings, true Sonship with the Father.

       3.      Indeed, Jesus would tell the disciples to preach “repentance and remission of sins…to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem…” and that Jesus would send to His apostles the “Promise of My Father upon you…power from on high” (Lk. 24:47-49).

       4.      Acts, the second part of Luke, is explicit that this promise of the Father is Jesus baptizing them with the Holy Spirit, the greater baptism than John’s (Acts 1:4-5, 8), and it indeed comes like tongues of fire, Acts 2:5, causing the disciples/apostles to be filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues.

       5.      Acts 2 is the fulfillment of this outpouring of the Spirit, and this “gift of the Spirit” is for all those who are “cut to the heart” at the preaching of Peter and is also promised to “your children” (Acts 2:37-39).

II.       QUESTION: Does this then mean that we all must speak in tongues in order to have the Holy Spirit?

A.      Rom. 8:14-17 says if we are led by the Spirit of God, we are sons of God, for we have received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father”, and 8:26 says “we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Are these groanings inward “tongues” that all Christians must speak in? Not at all!  

B.      All of Acts, often called “Acts of the Apostles” is plainly the “Acts of the Holy Spirit”.

       1.      The whole book is all about the work of the Spirit, the receiving and rejecting of the Spirit, the lying to/blaspheming of the Spirit like Ananias and Sapphira, etc.

       2.      To answer whether we must speak in tongues today, & for the purpose of our text way back in Luke 3, we know that some, when they were baptized with Jesus’ baptism, received the gift of tongues, visions, prophecies, revelations, etc. I Cor. 12 says there’s diversity of gifts/not all speak in tongues.

       3.      These gifts/powers of the Spirit were not given to John/those receiving his baptism, for his did not come with the heavenly Holy Spirit & fire, but only earthly water.

a.       But these miraculous gifts/powers of the Spirit confirmed that salvation/repentance unto life was given even to the Gentiles, that this was a supernatural work of God and not a clever trick of man.

b.       Remember, at this time the NT Scriptures are not written, and so the confirming word/evidence had to come through these miraculous/confirming gifts of the Spirit as the gospel advanced from the Jews, to the Samaritans, and finally to the Gentiles.

       4.      These miraculous gifts/baptism of the Spirit that Jesus poured out from heaven onto His apostles (hence our pouring for baptisms), were then spread by the apostles to those they came/preached to.

       5.      Tongue-speaking was first a sign to the Jews who were in Jerusalem during Pentecost who heard the apostles speaking tongues in their own language. This convinced doubters that the apostles really were Christ’s sent-out ones, that the Gospel of the resurrection of Christ really was true, for “many wonders and signs were done through the apostles” (Acts 2:43).

       6.      The Holy Spirit falls on the Samaritans in Acts 8, as the apostles Peter and John lay hands on the Samaritans (those mixed with Jew/Gentile blood) to receive certain gifts of the Spirit (speaking in tongues, etc.), and the former sorcerer Simon sinfully wants to buy this power from the apostles!

       7.      Then in Acts 10-11, we see The Gospel & baptism of the Spirit extending even to the Gentiles, as Cornelius & his household, including his relatives & close friends (10:24), were gathered, and all had the Holy Spirit fall upon them so that these Gentiles spoke in tongues/magnified God (10:46).

a.       Peter’s response is that they should be baptized with water, since they have received the Holy Spirit just as Peter and the apostles had.

b.       Peter recounts and defends his actions of baptizing Gentiles, recounting how God showed him in a vision all the unclean animals, told him to eat them, for God had made them clean.

c.       This pointed to the Gentiles also being made clean through receiving Christ in true repentance.

d.       Peter says he recalled, when the Spirit fell on the Gentiles in this way, how Jesus had said, “John indeed baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 11:16).

e.       The Jewish apostles & brethren then realized the work of God’s saving grace, and so they glorify God and say, “Then God has also granted to the Gentiles repentance unto life” (Acts 11:18).

III.       QUESTION: Does the miraculous gifts/gift of tongues, revelations, etc. continue today?

A.      No, these miraculous gifts of the Spirit were temporary, evidenced as said above by the Apostles having to lay hands on those in Samaria & pray that God would confer them (Acts 8:13-25).

B.      Like Simon the Sorcerer, many today only want the Holy Spirit’s “supernatural” gifts, such as tongue-speaking, visions, prophesies, etc. Some claim to confer these gifts today, & must repent like Simon!  

C.      But since there are no longer any living Apostles today (who had to be commissioned by Christ directly and be eyewitnesses of His resurrection), the Apostolic Age has ended, and with it, the miraculous/supernatural gifts of the Spirit, which served to bear witness to the good news of the Gospel of salvation according to Hebrews 2:3-4, and according to Luke Himself in Acts 1:8.

D.      I Cor. 12 lists a pecking order of what God has appointed in His Church; 1st apostles, 2nd prophets, 3rd teachers, miracles, healings, helps, administrations, & lastly varieties of tongues.

E.      Paul goes on to say that we are to desire the best gifts, and not all have gifts of healings, tongue speaking, interpretation of tongues, etc. Those aren’t the best gifts anyway & have now ceased!

F.      In I Cor.13, he says all spiritual gifts are meaningless without love, and that faith, hope, and love abide, but prophecies will fail, tongues will cease, knowledge will vanish away b/c we know and prophesy in part, but when the perfect has come, that which is in part will pass away (I Cor. 13:8-10).

G.     The ultimate perfection is the glorified state in heaven, but we also have the perfect and complete written Word of God to guide us now.

H.      Paul would rather speak in the church with five words that he and everyone understands, than ten thousand words in a tongue that he and others do not understand without an interpreter, for tongues are a sign to unbelievers, not believers, and have little value in the Church (I Cor. 14:18-23).

I.         Even Philip, one of the 7 chosen by the apostles to serve the widows from Acts 6, who was said to be full of the Spirit, could not confer these supernatural sign gifts of the Spirit.

       1.      The Apostles had to come and do that by the laying on of hands. While Philip did miraculous works (Acts 8:6-7), he could not confer them as he was not an apostle.

       2.      But he did have them conferred to him when the apostle’s hands were laid on him & they prayed for him when he was commissioned (Acts 6:6).

       3.      Thus, the miraculous gifts of the Spirit ceased when the apostles’ ministry came to an end, for they were part of the foundation upon which the Church was built, the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone (Eph. 2:20).

J.       In neither Ephesians 4 or Romans 12 where gifts of the Spirit are listed, workers of miracles, speaking in tongues, and the like, are conspicuously absent.

K.      I Corinthians was one of the earliest NT books completed. I Tim. 5:23, a later book, has Paul telling Timothy to drink wine for his stomach ailments, not to seek a person with the gift of healing, etc.

L.       From this we see that the Charismatic and supernatural sign gifts that many boast about in the Church today are spurious and unbiblical/false at best, demonic/intended to deceive God’s people at worst.

       1.      Nevertheless, these gifts played an important role in the establishment of the foundation of the NT Church, and to transmit the Gospel in the natives’ own tongue/with understanding.

       2.      The near complete absence of these supernatural sign gifts after the first century or so of Christ’s coming is further evidence that these gifts have ceased, as those who profess to practice them today do not even do so according to Paul’s rules, “decently and in order”, listed in I Corinthians.

IV.       QUESTION: So do we have the Baptism of the Spirit/what the Apostles had today or not? Yes!

A.      In Luke 3, we must see that Christ was imbued with supernatural gifts of the Spirit at the time of his baptism, when he was around 30 years of age. Jesus’ signs and wonders/miracles begins at this time.

B.      After He ascends on high, He would pour out the Spirit on His apostles at Pentecost in the same way, and indeed, all of us in Christ now have the fullness of the Spirit poured out on us, the supernatural gifts of the Spirit coming to a close do not change that reality.

C.      Remember, not everyone spoke in tongues even in the Apostolic era, & those weren’t the best gifts!

D.      That God has covenanted with us and our children through Christ’s blood is a great blessing, as we are in the sphere of God’s saving work, under the influence of His Holy Spirit, and that Spirit is likewise operative upon and promised to our children, received in full/salvifically through true faith/repentance.

E.      Likewise, as Christ was declared to be the Father’s precious Son at His baptism, so each of us are named as God’s own children at our baptisms, as we are baptized INTO the triune name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! His name is on us, and He is the Father of us and our children.

F.      May we never be severed from Christ and fall away from grace (Gal. 5:4), and if we are in Christ savingly, born again of the Holy Spirit (Jn. 3:5), praise God that we never will be severed and fall away, but will persevere to the end and inherit eternal life in Christ’s kingdom.  


Conclusion:  The HS descends upon Jesus in the form of a dove at His baptism. This is significant, for at creation, the Spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters when it was still without form and void, just prior to God beginning the shaping work of His creation. In Genesis 8, Noah sends out a dove, who again goes out over the waters covering the earth, and when the dove does not return, Noah knows God’s judgment has receded and that dry ground/the renewed creation has come. When the Holy Spirit comes like a dove upon Jesus, the renewed creation has begun in the person and work of Christ, whose glory and calling is to be the Word made flesh, to be the Light of the World, to separate the wheat from the chaff, to redeem all Creation, all His people, & usher in everlasting peace.


The Baptism He was baptized with leads to Him fulfilling all righteousness, so that after His work is finished and He is seated at the right hand of the Father, He then receives from the Father the gift of the Spirit, Spirit Baptism. The same Spirit that overshadowed Christ now indwells you who trust in Christ, so that we too can be one with Christ, eternally united to Him as His bride, His body, in a more perfect union than even husband and wife!


Presbyterians who actually know their confessions and Bibles believe in the work of the Spirit more than any Pentecostal or Charismatic. It is by the fullness of the Spirit that Jesus fulfilled all righteousness, received at His baptism, and it is by Christ’s full outpouring of the Spirit that we too, in Christ, live righteously, and are forever united to Him.


And by Christ’s Spirit, when the waters of our Lord’s baptism came upon you, in a public and formal way, He Himself confirms, speaking through baptism, that God is your Father, Christ is your Head, and the Holy Spirit, like a dove, has overshadowed you.  


So hold fast to Christ your Head, obey and love your heavenly Father, and keep in step with the Spirit, do not grieve or quench Him, and thereby improve your baptism as you walk humbly, repentantly, and faithfully before the Lord in the Light of His Word. Let us pray.


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