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What is the Church?

Hebrews 12:18-24 – What is Heritage Reformed Presbyterian Church? – Sermon Outline

Intro: What do you think the church is? Sunday worship, just God’s people, or a building with a steeple?

Need: Heritage Church must love God/one another as Christ’s redeemed people so we grow together. B/C:

M.P.: The Church is Christ’s redeemed body that lives in God’s city & worships in His presence.


Hebrews summarized in a sentence: Through Christ, we are cleansed & can now draw near to God.


For our text (12:18-24) the “you” in 12:18 is key. The book of Hebrews is written to “you”/Jewish Christians, and is a “word of exhortation” (13:22), a sermon, encouraging them to press on in faith and not return to Judaism/the shadowy OT/old covenant rituals under the law and Mt. Sinai, but to hold fast to Christ and the gospel/new covenant blessings found in Him/His heavenly Mt. Zion. This exhortation applies to us as God’s people as well, for Jew/Hebrew and Gentile are one in Christ.


      I.          What the Church has passed through (v. 18-21): Mt. Sinai’s law and judgment

A.    Ex. 19:17ff describes Moses & the Israelites at Mt. Sinai “meeting with God”/receiving decalogue.

                                           1.          Ex. 20:18-19 depicts the church in fear of God, begging Moses approach God for them.

                                           2.          God was unapproachable because of their sins; Christ had not yet died to pay for them.

B.    12:18 shows this Mt. Sinai is NOT what NT Christians come to when they worship.

                                           1.          We do not see God’s presence as frightening fire, black smoke, dark clouds, lightning, thunder, tempest storms and earthquakes, only to then hear the long sound of an ominous trumpet summon us to draw near to such fury, symbolizing God’s wrath for our wickedness.

                                           2.          The Israelites heard God’s voice at the foot of Mt. Sinai, and trembled. It was too much.

                                           3.          They knew if they drew near, they would be slain by God for their sin/law breaking, and Moses too was greatly afraid (12:20-21), for he had to go to God in the cloud/storm!

C.   Moses going up to God on the Mt. Sinai typified/fore-shadowed Christ, but Moses’ glory fades after coming down the mount, giving way to the superior/unfading glory of Christ (2 Cor. 3:7-18).

                                           1.          Moses going up Mt. Sinai into God’s wrathful presence fore-shadowed Christ going up to Calvary on the cross, into His Father’s wrathful judgment to atone/pay for sin.

                                           2.          While Christ hung on the cross, darkness fell over the land from 6th to 9th hour (Mt. 27:45).

                                           3.          OT animal sacrifices were offered only on the earthly temple/the holy of holies made with hands, which were copies/shadows God gave Moses while on Mt. Sinai (Heb. 8:1-6) of the real holy of holies in heaven where the Father dwells.

                                           4.          But Christ, as the Great High Priest, offered up Himself, entered heaven itself by His own blood, the true holy of holies, to secure our redemption & grant us access to heaven now!

                                           5.          So by Jesus’ blood we boldly/without fear draw near to God (Heb. 4:16) to worship, for through His atoning death the Father’s wrath against us for our sin has been quenched!

D.   OT Israel’s history is OUR history too, for OT/OC Israel worshiped God as His church in the scary shadows of the OT law/under Moses, while we worship God as His church by the Spirit under Christ, who is the embodiment/fulfillment/reality of the shadows.

                                           1.          Stephen in Acts 7:38 refers to the Israelites in the wilderness with Moses as a “congregation” (GK. ekklesia, “church”), & Heb. 3:16-4:2 connects wilderness Israel to us.

                                           2.          Moses was the earthly leader/servant of the OT church/house under the Father, while Christ is the head over the NT church/house as the Father’s Son (Heb. 3:1-6). Note, the OT and NT church are the same church/house, whose builder/maker is God!

E.    Consider: Galatians 3:8 says that the gospel was announced to Abraham, even before Moses.

                                           1.          Gal. 3:16 makes clear that ultimately the promises to Abraham and his seed to be father of many nations and inherit the world was fulfilled in Christ.

                                           2.          If you are Christ’s you are Abraham’s offspring/true Israel, passed through judgment in Christ, & have become heirs according to the promise (Gal. 3:29) with Israel (Eph. 2:11ff.).

F.    This all indicates that the OT system under Moses/Israelite nation was a passing shadow, yet it was Christ’s shadow that was cast in the OT.

                                           1.          Indeed, Hebrews 10 tells us the law on Mt. Sinai contained only shadows (Heb. 10:1-4).

                                           2.          Christ kept the law for us in His perfect life and teaching on earth; He came under the condemnation of the law and suffered as a lawbreaker on our behalf.

                                           3.          Therefore, through/in Christ we have passed through judgment, been spiritually resurrected, and have come into the heavenly city, Mt. Zion, where Christ reigns at the right hand of the Father!

                                           4.          It is wrong to say that the OT saints did not have Christ, they did, but in shadows/symbols/signs (I Cor. 10:1-4), whereas we in the NT have the substance/fullness of Christ and His Spirit! The OC and NC are the same in essence.  

                                           5.          Is the law of God/10 commandments abolished? No, rather fulfilled by Christ (Mt. 5:17-20) so that we, by His Holy Spirit, may obey/keep the law, not to earn salvation but as faithful, saved citizens of Mt. Zion, created in Christ to walk in good works/His law (Eph. 2:10).

     II.          What the Church has come to (v.22-24): Mt. Zion’s holy city of the living God.

A.    V. 22Mt. Zion” was the hill where the highest/oldest part of the city of Jerusalem was built.

                                           1.          Since the OT temple was in Jerusalem, Zion = the exalted dwelling place of God.

                                           2.          Behold, we in Christ gather to “meet with God”/worship, not in earthly Jerusalem, but the heavenly Jerusalem, upon God’s real abode, Mt. Zion, and not the earthly copy, Mt. Sinai!

B.    The “city of the living God” is the heavenly Jerusalem, heaven itself, proven by:

                                           1.          Angels gathered as “innumerable company” in “general assembly”/festive celebration with the “firstborn registered” in heaven = all true believers/Israel (Ex. 4:22/firstborn)

                                           2.          By God's presence as judge (v. 23) and the spirits of the “just”/judged made perfect, cleansed by Christ and perfected so that nothing wicked comes before God in heaven.  

                                           3.          Finally, by coming to “Jesus the Mediator” who stands between us and the Father’s judgment with His “blood of sprinkling”, which speaks of “better things”/glory to come (v. 24) because His blood, and we through His blood, have entered heaven/the more perfect tabernacle not made with hands (Heb. 9:11-12), which Moses as mediator could not do.

C.   While Abel's blood cried out for vengeance, Christ's speaks forgiveness (v. 24); As Mt. Sinai pictured wrath/judgment, Christ has brought us through judgment/death unto resurrection/life (Rm. 6) upon Mt. Zion, God’s city of peace/righteousness/forgiveness/throne of grace (Heb. 4:16)  

   III.          APPLICATION: How is the church to live in Mt. Zion? How must members of Heritage Church live?

A.    Ekklesia, the NT word for church, has idea of "those called out." Sproul: "the church is viewed as an assembly or gathering of the elect, those whom God calls out of the world, [called] away from sin and into a state of grace." The following are characteristics of Mt. Zion’s citizens:

                                           1.          We ascend to the heavenly Jerusalem particularly in corporate worship, gathered together as God’s people, away from unbelievers and this fallen world, just as the Israelites drew near in temple worship & at the tent of meeting (2 Cor. 6:14-16 READ).  

                                           2.          We do not forsake assembling together (Heb 10:24-25) and we worship in reverence and awe, knowing our God is still a consuming fire (Heb. 12:28-29).

                                           3.          We grow together into a holy temple of God and His dwelling place (Eph. 2:19-22).

                                           4.          Each member as Christ’s body, works together/strengthens itself in love (Eph. 4:15-16)

                                           5.          As a holy priesthood we offer spiritual sacrifices (righteous living, prayer, praise, service, teaching, hospitality, etc.) made acceptable to God by Christ (1 Pet. 2:5).

                                           6.          1 Tim. 3:15 says we as the church are the household of God and pillars of the truth, and so we worship God by the Spirit of Christ in the Truth of His Word (Jn. 4:23-24)

B.    Going to worship on Sundays is our New Testament “tent of meeting” with the LORD.

                                           1.          God promises to be with His gathered, covenant people in a special way (Ex. 29:42-45 READ). Israel gathers under the ministers/priests, Aaron and his sons, whom God has appointed/consecrated.

a.     Worship on Sundays is for believers, not unbelievers. A church may have many programs, studies, fun activities, etc., but if it does not have corporate worship on Sunday’s/the Lord’s day, whatever it is, it is not a true church. Worship is essential.

b.     While unbelievers may attend Church, only those covenanted to Christ meet with the Lord in worship truly. This is why turning worship into evangelism is bad, it robs God of the worship He demands/desires of His people “called out of” the world!

c.     God has appointed pastors/elders to lead/form churches, & only elders may ordain a man as a pastor/elder (Eph. 4:11-12; Titus 1:5-9; II Tim. 1:6; I Pet. 5:1-5 READ; Acts 20:17, 28 READ).

d.     Small group gatherings, even of members of the same local church, are good/helpful, but are not the same thing as worship in God’s holy/heavenly presence. They cannot replace the Church and corporate worship.

e.     Only in a Church formed under biblically ordained elders do you have the proper formation of the “body of Christ” using the Spiritual Gifts God has given each individual to form and build up that body in the Lord (I Cor. 12; Rom. 12).

                                           2.          Sunday worship is akin to going to the top of Mt. Zion, but all of life is lived in the heavenly Jerusalem, on the side of Mt. Zion; but on Sundays we ascend to the summit.

a.     Don’t lose sight of God Monday-Saturday like the Israelites did, crafting idols while waiting for Moses to come down from atop Mt. Sinai with the 10 commandments.

b.     As Christians, all work, all we do is to be done for the glory of God (I Cor. 10:31) and will be received gladly by Him through Christ. So fill the earth and subdue it!

c.     The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, and Christ already, at the right hand of the Father in heavenly Zion, has all authority in heaven and in earth given to Him (Mt. 28:18). The Promised Land is now all the earth/creation, and all we do is to be done as service/acceptable worship to our Father in heaven!

                                           3.          Must believe corporate worship is special by faith, not sight.

a.     Because we live spiritually in God’s kingdom now, physically only at Christ’s return.

b.     Only then will we reap the full benefits of God’s presence by being fully nourished spiritually and rightly ascribing reverence and awe in our worship.

                                           4.          We must remember that Sunday is the Sabbath day, changed from Saturday b/c Christ entered His rest (and we rest in Him) on Easter Sunday when He rose from the dead.

a.     The Sabbath is not made obsolete by Christ; Heb. 4:9 says there remains a Sabbath rest (“rest” = “sabbatismos” in Greek), and the Sabbath was not instituted at Mt. Sinai, but in creation, with God resting the 7th day.

b.     We must still obey the command to remember the Sabbath day/keep it holy by revering it as the day we go worship God and draw near to Him in a special way.

c.     This is why churches that have such casual/flippant “worship”, or that simply gather for entertainment, TED talks, or cater to so-called “seekers” rather than the holy God whose presence they enter, fail to produce lasting fruit and many strong/faithful Christians. They do not worship God by Spirit/Truth by their own fleshly desires.     

C.   How can Heritage Reformed be a faithful Church/Christ’s “called out ones?”

                                           1.          By being active in the church. Come to Sunday morning and evening worship if available.

                                           2.          By coming to Sunday school and remembering the specialness of Sundays as Sabbath.

                                           3.          By modeling the early church and meeting together often to pray and meditate on God and His Word, which is true Christian fellowship (Acts 2:42, 46-47).

                                           4.          Consider various Bible/book studies for individual/group study.

                                           5.          Evangelize with fellow believers or serve the widows and needy in the church. 

                                           6.          Build/work together (a fence, a book, etc.) and play/eat together (sports, games, etc.), help meet one another’s needs, be hospitable, kind, encouraging, patient, persevering.

  IV.          Conc: As Christ’s “called out ones”/ here at Heritage Church, let us live for the heavenly Mt. Zion, the city of our living God, bearing the fruit of the Spirit, so that God’s will may indeed be done here on earth as it is in heaven/Mt. Zion, and so that we may be salt and light in the midst of this dark and wicked world. 


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