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Toxic Humility, Weaponized Weakness, and Insisting on the Obvious

We are riddled today, everywhere we turn, with toxic humility and weaponized weakness. What do I mean? I mean that when a faithful leader does something 5% imperfectly, the weak ones under his authority who are largely wrong, inept, lazy, etc., will berate him over the 5% imperfection, as if they were perfectly righteous in being utterly helpless. Then the faithful, wearied and worn down, will gin-up guilt rationalized as humility to repent beyond anything they've actually done, to appease the weak who have wielded their crutches to beat the strong and those trying to help mercilessly over the head, somehow stoking the sympathy of all onlookers.

This creates several problems. All things being equal, we should acknowledge our 5% error, but when it is weaponized that admitting any error is tantamount to confessing murder, what then?

Then, you don't play the shame game. You don't bring up what should be a blip at most on people's minds. But the optics of such, in our softened culture, is that the one who is supposed to be deformed with crutches, clearly isn't as he beats the righteous one who says, "walk!"

Yet like a fake resurrection in some jungle, where the "dead body" is poking its head out of the casket to make sure no one is looking, somehow all the onlookers get mad when the scheduled faith healer isn't there to perform a resurrection but instead tells everyone "wake up!"

"Wake up and see the fraud! This man is not dead. Get up you fraud!" No, no, just go along with the charade and you can be lauded as a great healer. Instead, you had to tell the Truth, which is more than inconvenient, but insane, and now all the onlookers are mad with rage.

This is because you've not only made the man in the casket look like a fool, but everyone who has been going along with the fool as well. Fools leading fools are the blind leading the blind, yet when no one is really blind, and you call it out, well then, you're the blind one!

So you can choose to pretend to be blind as well, maybe just a little bit less, but blind enough to blend in, and never really call others to repentance and responsibility. This is the game played in church and state today. Or you can call the blind, blind, without apology.

You will get canceled by the fake blind for calling them out of their faux-blindness, and those who aren't as attuned as you are, who you might have thought were friends, might grow confused or concerned as well. Chin up, this is the decisive point. You're almost there.

You don't fold, you demonstrate the obvious, but by willful blindness, has somehow been forgotten or gone unseen. This applies for all sorts of things, like the sovereignty of God, that men and women are made in God's image for vastly different purposes, with different natures, that God covenants with households and pretending we can agree to disagree on this issue is just another example of blindness. That the Sabbath must be kept holy. That above all, grace restores nature, it doesn't destroy it or stand aloof from it. You triple down on the obvious.

You insist on the obvious, and you insist that what they are claiming isn't so black and white, in fact is, because it is. When they give no counter but simply don't like it, you point that out, you don't let it slide. You don't let them off the hook, but insist on the obvious.

You do this, being attacked for not being humble but prideful, arrogant, strong-willed, lacking appropriate gentleness and perspective and nuance and sophistication, with a bad tone and bad look. You don't play those games, you don't play into the weak's weapons. You press on.

You accept some will be hardened through this, many or most at first. But you keep insisting, and in the arc of time, by nature and God's grace, you see the spell crack on some, and blessings begin to flow. You thank God, you press on, enduring all. But one thing is critical...

If at all possible, if you are married, your spouse must be on board, you must first start with your own household, and open their eyes, before bothering with opening the eyes of others, much less those on the internet. Don't be a fraud, a blind fool. This is obvious!

Because if you push the issue with others, and they dish out their weaponized weakness with the wrath of a lion, and your spouse or children wilt under this, or turn against the truth itself, you are fundamentally compromised and didn't prepare your family for battle.

But when your home is in order, and God willing you have a friend or two, a few other families, maybe a ragtag church that is ready to rumble, you've already found something that is precious and rare in today's woke world. You're ahead of the curve. Don't stop now. Press on!

The harvest is plentiful, if we would but withstand the thorns and thistles, the weeds and bees, the beating sun and the snakes incognito. Be strong and act like men. Do not grow weary or faint, for by God's grace, we will reap a harvest.


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