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The Greater of 2 Evils: Abortion vs. The Militant Trans Agenda Coming for Your Kids

By: Thomas F. Booher  

I know this is a very controversial take, and I am still sorting through the moral wickedness and depravity we are living through, seeking to be faithful to the Lord. But, I hope this will at least stimulate some reflection given the present reality and the application of Scripture and sound principles. 


Let's talk about abortion and "trans-ing" the kids. Which of the two, as they currently exist in our nation today, is the greater evil and threat to us as a nation broadly, and more narrowly and particularly, a threat and danger to the Church/Kingdom of God, why, and how that will affect our voting.

1. Abortion is murder of the life of a precious child in the womb of the mother. It is a capital offense, should be criminalized, and there should be no exceptions.


2. The LGBTQ+ agenda wants to trans your children, not merely murder their kids. Ultimately, they'd be glad to convince not only their children, but yours, that they should murder themselves if transitioning doesn't make them happy. This is a greater destruction of the imago dei and a greater threat to us and our children, both as a nation and the children/godly seed of the Church.

I'm no military or history expert, but thinking the enemy isn't constantly evolving in its weaponry and wickedness is like thinking the main struggles of WW2 would be trench warfare with little/no aerial warfare, basically a repeat of WW1. How much could really change in just a few decades?

Abortion hasn't ceased to be heinous wickedness just because a greater evil has arrived. But we cannot ignore the greater weapons of the wicked one. They are inventors of evil, Romans 1:30. It isn't 1995 or even 2005 anymore. The most dangerous weapons of the devil must be eliminated first, and take priority.

God's judgment at times demanded Israel to destroy every man, woman, & child. Or how about Ps. 137:8-9?

"O daughter of Babylon, who are to be destroyed,

Happy the one who repays you as you have served us!

Happy the one who takes and dashes

Your little ones against the rock!

Matthew Poole refers to that as a just retaliation for what Babylon had done to God's people.

As it stands in our nation, abortion itself is voluntary, not forced. The whole calculus would change if there were government mandated murdering of our own children, like when the King of Egypt commanded the Hebrew midwives to kill the male Hebrew children (Exodus 1). 

So, abortion is not a government requirement when you have a certain number of children, at least not yet, and praise the Lord for that. But, there is increasingly what amounts to government mandated "trans-ing" of your children, which is a murder of the imago dei in them and a butchering of their minds. I am first called to protect my wife and children, and the families of our church/Christian families. The unbeliever is lowest on the priority pecking order. I do not want them to trans or abort their children, but when they then make moves to pervert the hearts and minds of my children and other Christian children, that is not merely a great evil, but a great threat and danger encroaching upon us. 

It is evident that the greater threat to our nation and to the Church/Kingdom of God are those "coming for our children", not merely sapping themselves of the blessings of having their own children, who are outside the covenant of grace and will be raised neither for the Lord or even to respect and honor our own country and basic morality, much less common sense. Our children are born in the covenant (sorry Baptists) & must be protected, but even the children outside the church to parents who do not want these wicked atrocities forced upon their children should move us to resist and take firm action against this great danger.

My imprecatory prayers are that the wicked lines running wild and given over by God to their lusts in our nation come to an abrupt end, by their own lusts sterilizing themselves, mutilating themselves, ending their line, so as not to commit the great sin of murdering their own children. But we must stop them from taking ours, or from harvesting babies in test tubes and ruining those children and by extension our nation.

Further, none can deny the crises at our border. You could end abortion tonight, but if the floodgates stay open, the children born in this nation will be born into a wicked, chaotic, overrun land, and but for the grace of God it would almost be better if they had never been born.

Again, none of this makes abortion good or tolerable. If we didn't have a lust for self-pleasure, we wouldn't have ever permitted murder of babies in the womb, and we would certainly not have had the further perversion of the militant trans agenda. 

So, we must recognize the layers that have to be peeled back first, to get to the next layer.

We don't have good candidates for President, but, Trump has a track record, has done good things, marginally, to help protect the life of the unborn, and has labored for our border.

I'm not at all thrilled with Trump's views on the LGBTQ+ agenda, but he seems to push back on the trans issue, and the militancy with which they are attempting to force others to conform to their ideology, pronouns and cut off private parts and all, bathroom bills, etc.

We should keep pushing Trump on these issues, and as others have noted, those whom he appoints alongside him may be better than him, at least some of them, on these issues.

The alternative is a full on assault on us and our children, the Church/Kingdom of God and her children.

Trump should tear down all the high places. He won't. But he will tear down some, and be a wrecking ball and enrage even some that he probably doesn't intend on touching. He is a disruptor that the Lord has used, and continues to use. He is almost certainly not regenerate, but God often uses unregenerate rulers, who themselves believe and do some wicked and despicable things, to right the ship and protect and preserve His true covenant people. Sometimes he even converts such rulers and brings them into His kingdom in true salvation.

But wicked rulers, as in, those who rule wickedly, and aren't merely personally wicked/unregenerate, are always a judgment upon God's people, and not a blessing. Trump can be, and has been, a mixed blessing, at least a stay of execution, upon our nation. Biden has been an absolute curse.

You may not want to have to choose between either side. I get it. I don't either. But when the war is on your doorsteps, you have to fight, or flee to a more righteous state, city, community, or even country. Some may refuse to vote for President but vote locally. I get that.

But presently what is done federally greatly affects what happens at the state and local level. We may wish to disentangle the former from the latter, but at present, that isn't a reality, and may not be possible, at least yet.

Further, Trump is not turning on gas chambers. True, he isn't turning them all off. He isn't stopping the wicked as thoroughly as he ought, & maybe privately is fine with some of it. God will hold him accountable on judgment day for that, and in the meantime, we should push him on these matters, plead with him, urge him to do more. But you can vote for Trump for the sake of the good he will do, and urge him to do more good rather than continue to tolerate great evils that are already in place. 

The good news is that Trump is actually somewhat malleable. Biden is a corpse animated by a demon, and controlled by demonic persons. These demons are coming for you and your children, and for Christianity in general. Trump, at minimum, pays lip service to Christianity, tolerates and promotes it some, and recognizes national sovereignty and the good of nations in an intuitive way. God has used many rulers similarly for the good of His people, and the good of all the people in the land in which God's people find themselves in. King Darius with Daniel, Pharaoh promoting Joseph, etc., are just a few of countless examples from Scripture itself. 

The Overton window has shifted much, largely thanks to Trump's bombastic language and exposing the fake news media. He has helped demolish the dangerous bee hive, though they are now angrier than ever, buzzing & stinging with all their might.

Trump has tolerated and likely enabled other pesky bee hives. He butchered the lockdowns. He has printed a lot of money also. He's at best a C- candidate. But when the alternative is an F-, and the stakes are the fate of your nation and future prosperity, a C- 4 years can pave the way for B's and A's in the years ahead.

Some of the good Trump has helped bring about -- Christian Nationalism is part of the public discourse today. Women being housewives and homemakers is spoken of as a natural good and ideal even among unbelievers, in fact, in some ways more so by unbelievers than many quarters of so-called Evangelicalism. How did Trump promote this? Simply by shifting the range of acceptable discourse and stirring up the bee hives. 

These are strange times, but if we walk with the Lord, trust in Him, push for righteous candidates who probably disagree with almost everything I have said here, like Dusty Deevers, and keep sharpening one another, He will be a shield and refuge for His Church through the storms.


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