Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness: Did The Constitution Have it Right, or Does The Bible Say Its Wrong?
We take things for granted sometimes. The friends we have, our family, our home, we all recognize, or at least I hope we do, that these are gifts from God. Gracious gifts- we wouldn’t have them unless He had provided them for us. I do wonder though- is this just lip service? When we thank God for providing the food when we eat a meal, do we really know what we are talking about? In what way did He provide it for us? It wasn’t His hands that that got the vegetables from the fields, the fruit from the trees, and the meat from the animal. Sure, He provided the field, the tree, and the animal. Yes, He let the crops grow, He allowed the trees to bring forth fruit, and the animals are available to be killed for eating. But really, if God is loving and all-powerful, if He controls all things, does He really need to be praised for this? Perhaps, is the better question, “Why wouldn’t God cause a bountiful harvest, fresh springs bubbling forth pure water, and livestock aplenty for m...