The Priority of the Family in the Life of the Christian It doesn't matter if you preach with a golden tongue, have a successful business, own the libs, etc., if you lose your family. What does it profit if you gain the world, but lose your soul (Mark 8:36)? Worse, what does it profit if you gain the world, but lose the souls that belong to you and are entrusted to your care, that is, your family, your wife and children (I Tim. 3:4-5, Titus 1:6)? This is a matter of priority, of ordered loves, of intentionality and focus. We must have good preachers/churches, good businesses, good governments, and our labors to these ends are not in vain. But if we have those good things, but do not have our families, we have sinned grievously, are worse than unbelievers in our neglect even of their bodily needs (I Tim. 5:8), and will be utterly miserable and destitute in the end (Prov. 17:25). Better to part with good health, than to part with our own flesh and blood family. This means that...
Thoughts on the Reformed faith, preparation for ministry, and doing all to the glory of God.