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Showing posts from October 23, 2011

John Gerstner vs. Arius in Narnia

This is a paper I submitted for my church history class. Enjoy! REFORMATION BIBLE COLLEGE DIALOGUE PAPER JOHN GERSTNER AND ARIUS GO TO NARNIA CHURCH HISTORY BY THOMAS BOOHER SANFORD, FLORIDA OCTOBER, 2011 Location: Narnia, underneath the lamppost. Time: Evening, during the reign of the wicked white witch and her perpetual winter. Characters: John Gerstner, Arius                 “What? Where are we? And is that… is that Arius? What are you doing here, you dirty old heretic!” John Gerstner exclaimed gruffly, squinting his eyes from beneath his black-rimmed glasses.                 “Why, aren’t you a funny looking man, with little hair, no beard and a smashed face. I was just walking into this cave after being exiled by that darn emperor Constantine with two of my companions [1] , and suddenly, I arrive...

Serve Jesus By Letting Him Serve You

Matthew 20:28: "Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but  to serve, and  to give his life as a ransom for  many. " Isaiah 64:4 "No eye has seen a God besides thee, who works for those who wait for Him." I'm sitting here reading Desiring God by John Piper, specifically the chapter on prayer. The concept of Christ dying for us, of serving us, is hardly a new one, but tonight it has struck me in a fresh and most exciting way. I think too often I feel that my services for God, as a regenerate believer, magnify His glory. But the truth is, my services for God are nothing more than the desires He has already worked in me, according to His good pleasure (Phil 2:13). So my actions are only possible because of God working them in me. Meaning, I'm not offering up something to God that He couldn't be doing Himself if He so wanted. God doesn't need anything from us. Notice this passage from Acts 17: The God who made the world and everything ...