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Showing posts from December 29, 2024

Handling Wheat & Tares in Home, Church, and State (Applied to Our Present Challenges)

Handling Wheat & Tares in Home, Church, and State (Applied to Our Present Challenges) What is the rate of major moral and/or theological failure among the Ligonier/G3 conference orbit of speakers? It is quite high sadly, and these conferences were more narrowly purposed as a Christian/theological sort of conference than the more political conferences led mostly by Christians today, such as the one Joel Webbon and company are putting on at the "Christ is King: How to Defeat Trashworld" conference in April 2025.  Theological conferences like Ligonier, etc., were "movements" in their own era, and in their own way. And I am thankful for them for the time and place in which they existed and were useful. Ligonier Ministries still serves as a good introductory purpose for Christians becoming serious about their faith and doctrine. If you focus on gleaning from their online content, you can still get benefit from them, but mostly in the more narrow areas of theology and...

Ordered Loves, Inequalities, Supremacy, and "Racism"

 By: Thomas F. Booher  Today, being a white Christian man in the United States and holding to properly ordered loves (a good definition of which is given here: )  consistently and publicly will get you labeled as a "racist" or "white supremacist" or something similar soon enough.  In fact, you do not even have to be white or a man to be labeled something like a "white supremacist". But there's a rule out there today that if you can't find a minority to say it first, then what you are saying is bigoted, racist, etc.  I like the phrase/terminology of "properly ordered loves" because it is harder to slander/bear false witness against. It is harder to reduce down to some sort of scary word like "racist" or "kinist" or "supremacist" or "nazi" or whatever. I would say I also like the notion of "family first", but apparently some have ev...