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Showing posts from November 22, 2015

What Does it Mean to be Saved by Christ? (A Gospel Tract)

GREENVILLE PRESBYTERIAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE SAVED BY CHRIST? Thomas Booher AT 41 Christian Education November 24, 2015                 Hello, I’m Thomas Booher. I’m guessing if you are reading this that you already understand that I want to tell you about my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and how you can be saved by Him, too. You may or may not have heard of Jesus before, but if you live in the United States, especially within the Bible belt, my guess is that you likely have. I believe that Jesus is God, but also became man some 2,000 years ago. In fact, He’s fully God and fully man, and He had to be both in order to die on a cross in such a manner that man’s sins could be paid for and Christ’s Father, who is the God of all things, would no longer be angry with sinners, like you and me, for their sins.     ...

Reformed Schools and Non-Reformed Students

GREENVILLE PRESBYTERIAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY ANALYSIS: SHOULD NON-REFORMED CHILDREN BE ALLOWED TO ATTEND REFORMED SCHOOLS? Thomas Booher AT 41 Christian Education November 24, 2015             Should children who are not Reformed be allowed to attend a school that is Reformed? One may wonder how a school can be Reformed if its students are not. The argument will be that it is the curriculum and the teachers that make a school distinctly Reformed, regardless of the personal convictions of the children (and their parents) who attend the school. In order that the Reformed witness not be diluted, however, certain parameters must be established, and certain concessions must be made by the parents and their children who are not Reformed.           A Reformed school must have a Reformed curriculum, and teachers that affirm the Reformed faith. ...

Book Review: The Pastor-Evangelist (The Pastor's Role in Evangelism)

Below is a rough draft of a paper on evangelism that I wrote for seminary. GREENVILLE PRESBYTERIAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY BOOK REVIEW: THE PASTOR-EVANGELIST Thomas Booher AT 41 Reformed Evangelism November 23, 2015                 The Pastor-Evangelist sheds light on the minister’s duty and role in evangelism. The book offers a comprehensive yet concise panorama of the different means of proclaiming the gospel to unbelievers, such as preaching, prayer, small groups, Sunday school, lifestyle, and hospitality evangelism. Interspersed are more doctrinally focused chapters relating to Christ’s example as the ultimate pastor-evangelist, kingdom evangelism, revitalizing a dying church, and practical measures on how to implement these evangelistic methods in the local church. Each chapter is written by a different author, keeping the reading fresh, but some ...