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Showing posts from March 27, 2011

Why Rob Bell's god Isn't Very Loving (Part 2)

Why Rob Bell's god Isn't Very Loving

Why Study Theology When You Could Be Preaching The Gospel And Feeding The Poor?

I have a lot to say on this subject, so I think I am going to turn this into a series of articles. There are several things I want to touch on: 1.) Why Study Theology? 2.) Why Preach The Gospel? 3.) Why Feed The Poor? I think if we can biblically answer each of these questions, then we will see why we should study theology before we spend the majority of our time preaching the gospel and feeding the poor. Today, I am just going to address the first question, why study theology, and leave the other two questions for later posts in the series. But before I address this first question, I want to let you in on my personal feelings about studying theology, seminary, and the large amount of time it takes to do this in our earthly lives. There is no doubt that, to get an education in what the Bible teaches us, in sound doctrine, much time is required. Much mental and spiritual effort must be expended, so much so that it may very well negatively affect your physical health if you are not c...

How Do Calvinists Square God's Sovereignty With Man's Free Agency?

This is an excerpt from Loraine Boettner's classic The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination : The problem which we face here is, How can a person be a free and responsible agent if his actions have been foreordained from eternity? By a free and responsible agent we mean an intelligent person who acts with rational self-determination; and by foreordination we mean that from eternity God has made certain the actual course of events which takes place in the life of every person and in the realm of nature. It is, of course, admitted by all that a person's acts must be without compulsion and in accordance with his own desires and inclinations, or he cannot be held responsible for them. If the acts of a free agent are in their very nature contingent and uncertain, then it is plain that foreordination and free agency are inconsistent. The philosopher who is convinced of the existence of a vast Power by whom all things exist and are controlled, is forced to inquire where the finite wi...

2011 Ligonier National Conference

I figured I should at least mention that I went to the 2011 Ligonier National Conference. In addition, I was able to view St. Andrew's church (Sproul's church) and Ligonier Academy, where I will be going for college in August. The conference was excellent. R.C. Sproul, R.C. Sproul Jr., Steve Lawson, W. Robert Godfrey, Sinclair Ferguson, and John Piper were the main speakers. Tim Challies was also there, doing an optional session about his new book The Next Story, which I thought was really good. Dad and I talked with him afterwards and found out that his son had read Dad's book and liked it, which is encouraging. The theme of the conference was a passion for the holiness of God. Rather than tell you exactly what was said, why don't you just check it out for yourself? I was impressed with every speaker and the job they did. I knew what to expect with Sproul and Piper, but not so much with the rest, yet they were certainly not inferior to Piper or Sproul. So listen to...