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Showing posts from July 30, 2023

What is Christian Worship?

  WHAT IS CHRISTIAN WORSHIP? If we understood worship and loved to truly worship God, we'd not come to gather for an entertaining time of music, sights and sounds, smells and bells, etc. Rather, we'd come in faith, believing what God says truly happens in worship, and coming to worship Him how He wants us to do so, for His glory and our good. Worship transcends this realm in a way invisible to the flesh, but tangible only to the eyes and heart of faith. It transcends stupid and unhelpful fog machines or light shows or guitar solos or orchestras or candles and images and icons that turn God's people into passive watchers rather than active worshipers. Whether contemporary pop Christian "worship" that is focused on stage performers rather than corporately worshiping God, or high church liturgy, it's all a dazzling of the eyes, one to entertain and draw seekers, the other to vainly attempt to draw near to God through temples and things crafted with hands, that ap...