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Showing posts from August 12, 2012

Worse Than Abortion

I am against abortion. It is murder. Let's be clear on that. I am all for making a big stink about this terrible evil, this ignored holocaust. Christians, too, are having abortions, and that is nearly unthinkable. For unbelievers to kill their children and call it a good deal for both the mother and the child shouldn't be shocking but when Christian mothers are having abortions to cover up their sins, I think there is a much, much deeper problem. The problem isn't simply pointing out that abortion is murder. It has come to the point that we must remind Christians, let alone the world, why murder is a problem.  So what do I mean? Am I actually saying that Christians do not think murder to be sin? Not exactly. Most Christians see killing another human being as wrong. The problem, I believe, is the reasoning that many Christians have for why killing another human being is wrong. It would seem many Christians are a bit pragmatic. "It is wrong to kill because we ar...