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Showing posts from October 20, 2024

Seeking God's Kingdom by Pursuing Spouse, Children, and Church

**** EDITOR NOTE: When I first wrote this, the opening was quite ambiguous and could give the impression I was saying you must be married and have children to be part of God's kingdom. I have clarified this below in the now updated article.  My original article did say that "the vast majority" of men should seek a godly wife in order to rightly seek first God's kingdom, not every single man/Christian. I was never intending to say that every faithful man/Christian must marry and have children in order to be part of God's kingdom/to flourish in God's kingdom. But I should have written much clearer, and for the confusion and consternation that lack of clarity caused, I greatly apologize. An earlier part of the original article said "you cannot be fruitful and multiply, you cannot rule and subdue, and you cannot be part of Christ's kingdom without a spouse, children, and a church" which is what caused the confusion. Fruitful/multiply was meant to cor...