Cornelius is called devout in Acts 10, and he is devout with his household, in leading them, and undoubtedly leading them to know and serve the Lord as well, even as Joshua in the O.T. says “ choose you this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord ”, Joshua 24:15ff. Now we see that the pattern and expectation the Jews would have, and we should have when reading the New Testament and our passage here in Acts -- that God covenants with households, and the children are included in the covenant, signified in circumcision in the Old Testament/Covenant, but now signified in baptism, including the infant children. For all in the house of Cornelius, which included not only his entire household, his slaves and servants under him, but also those of his close friends and relatives, received the Holy Spirit and were baptized with water, as we saw at the end of Acts 10. Even infant children were to be removed from the Church/Israelites and regarded as covenant breake...
Thoughts on the Reformed faith, preparation for ministry, and doing all to the glory of God.