Yesterday at a group function that many fellow RBC Bible college students attend, we discussed the importance of church. At one point the question was asked how important it is to be involved, or engaged, or active in church life. We generally agreed that church ministries/outreach programs on a corporate level, are best kept at a minimum. Busyness is not what we are aiming for. Productive, God honoring service and obedience to His will is what we must strive for. I would argue that work itself is a service to God, and therefore a service to the church, which is the temple of God. Whenever we study at school, unto the Lord, whenever we do our jobs that we get paid for, unto the Lord, we are serving Him, and serving others. Through these fields we often find the opportunity to share the gospel and to spread the Light before other men, so they may see our good works. Through our jobs and hobbies we fulfill the cultural mandate, we subdue the earth. Through our familial obligations...
Thoughts on the Reformed faith, preparation for ministry, and doing all to the glory of God.