Why Do We Baptize by Sprinkling/Pouring and not Immersion/Dunking? 1. Ex. 24:8 Moses sprinkles people with blood of covenant. a. Mt. 26:28; Mk. 14:24; Lk. 22:20, Christ says He “pours out” His blood of the New Covenant. b. Heb. 9:19-20; 10:29 connect Moses to Christ, do not reject the blood of the new covenant by which you were sanctified, and thereby outrage the Spirit of grace. 2. Ezek. 36:25-26 “I will sprinkle clean water on you .” Also says new hear and spirit is given, removes heart of stone. Compare this to the new covenant as promised in Jeremiah 31:31ff. 3. Baptism does not mean “immersion”. It has a range of meaning of various washings/cleansings (you can bathe by taking a shower or a bath, sponge bath, etc.). a. Acts 8:38-39, Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch go down into the water, but only after this is the Ethiopian said to be baptized by Philip. They both then come up out of the water. b. If going in and comi
Thoughts on the Reformed faith, preparation for ministry, and doing all to the glory of God.