Reformation Bible College God’s Ignoble Gambit: How Free Will Destroys the Cross Doctrine of Christ By Thomas Booher Sanford, Florida May 2012 No matter how you dice it, the fall of man necessitated the death of Christ if God were to provide salvation. While the argument over the means of receiving salvation has often centered on free will versus election, most have opted to take some route through the Bible that has God allowing man to fall of his own free will, hoping to get God off the hook for the entrance of evil into humanity. If He creates man with the ability to choose obedience or disobedience, the choice itself is entirely up to man. This allegedly keeps God free of the charge of being an evil architect. Closer inspection will reveal that it is when God is not the first cause of evil’s existence that His goodness is lost. It i...
Thoughts on the Reformed faith, preparation for ministry, and doing all to the glory of God.