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Showing posts from August 19, 2012

CSFF Blog Tour Review- Eye of the Sword

*In conjunction with the CSFF blog tour, I received a free copy of this book from the publisher.* You can purchase Eye of The Sword here . Blog Tour Participants: <a href=" "> Julie Bihn</a> <a href=" "> Thomas Fletcher Booher</a> <a href=" "> Keanan Brand</a> <a href=" "> Beckie Burnham</a> <a href=" "> Jackie Castle</a> <a href=" "> Brenda Castro</a> <a href=" "> Jeff Chapman</a> <a href=" "> Christine</a> <a href=" "> Theresa Dunlap</a> <a href=" http://in--...

The Comfort of God's Sovereignty Over Evil

Picture taken from this address There is only one question that you must settle, Christian, if you are to have unconquerable comfort in your life. This comfort depends not on your financial status nor the status of your other affairs and duties in life. It does not even depend upon your health and physical well-being. This comfort never ebbs, it never runs empty or dries up, but is a constant, steady stream that will never cease to flow to you when you most need it.  The comfort that I am speaking of is the comfort found in the sovereignty of God. Your problem is, if you are anything like me, you have been told much of your life not to believe in the absolute sovereignty of God because it would be most unsettling to have a God who ordains and predestines everything, even sin and sickness and all those who wind up in hell. You have been told this because the one who told you likely believed that God is incapable of predestining all things in such a way t...