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Showing posts from April 17, 2011

Why ALL Christians Should Love THEOLOGY As Much As JESUS!

People say they love Jesus, but they don't really care much for theology. That's a lie. You CANNOT love Jesus if you don't love theology. Jesus Christ said to do EVERYTHING that He has instructed us to do, and to reflect the image of God the Father. How do you do that except by studying theology? First, because many of you have no clue what theology even is (yet you claim to love Christ), let me give you a very simple definition. Theology is THE STUDY OF GOD. That's it. Theology is the study of God, what He is like, what He commands, what Jesus is like, what our sinfulness is like, etc. Studying theology, learning doctrine (doctrine by the way simply means teaching), is how you grow in your knowledge of God and what He is like. Why do so many people want to be allowed to impose THEIR interpretation on Scripture? The Bible is absolute truth, it reveals what God is like to us. It is one of the worst sins to try and make the Bible and what it says fit how YOU think Jes...

The Youth Message That Ultimately Converted Me To Calvinism

This is the message that changed my life, that brought me into Calvinism, and that showed me my sinfulness as it really is and God's goodness and holiness as it is for the first time. In other words, the cross of Christ started making a lot more sense and had so much more meaning than it ever did before after  I saw this video, and my understanding of God began to completely change, ultimately for the better.

The Sanford Tornado, and God

Any time a disaster like a hurricane or earthquake or tsunami strikes, people begin either thanking, or cursing God. Obviously, I would be one of the former, but I want to challenge those who trust in God to think critically and biblically to understand why we should thank God when disaster "strikes." First, let me get rid of that unbiblical language. Disaster does not "strike" as if disaster was some kind of being that controlled itself, or as if the tornado had power of its own to do what it did and to choose to destroy the houses, stores, and lives, that it did. No, someone has to create, to cause, tornadoes, and direct its paths. And what Christians, and everyone, need to realize is that God caused this tornado not only to form, but to hit the houses and people it did. I probably won't get an amen for that, not just yet at least. First, just a few verses to show that it is true that God controls the weather, including hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornad...