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Showing posts from January 20, 2013

Feeding Sheep: The Lack In Our Preaching

By: Thomas F. Booher The following is a portion of a chapter from a short book on applying Calvinism to our everyday lives that I am working on. Preaching needs to take theology and apply it to everyday struggles with sin in the context of our culture and present day situation. This has been, in my estimation, woefully neglected in Calvinistic circles. Theology is practical and has authority over us, therefore, theology should be preached practically and authoritatively. The pastor should exhort with the text. The gospel saves and sanctifies, and we are commanded not to merely trust in the promises of God and the gospel, but to also make war against the flesh by the power of the Spirit. When we cease to seek to apply theology practically and make war with the flesh by the power of the Spirit, we cease to live the TULIP driven life. Another way in which we grow as Christians is by taking what we learn from Scripture and applying it to our own lives. We need to unde...

God’s Grace in Reality

By: Nathan Fox Text: Colossians 1:13-14 My Personal Life of Grace I must start off by confessing that though it seems that I have my entire life in order and that my days are “peachy,” I am nothing more than a sinner saved by grace. As a matter of fact, those who read this blog and read all the good stuff these contributors provide should realize this: each blogger is sinful and only through God’s grace are we even given the platform to proclaim His name. Before any one of us is magnified, and before anyone reading this blog thinks that we bloggers are just perfect, we must all remind ourselves that God’s grace is the only reason why we can proclaim what we proclaim. He is the source of hope in our life, and the certainly the only good from this life stems from his incomparable love for each of us. So before you take the time to read this blog even further, remember this: I only write what I write because it is God who is good, and not myself.  God’s Living Grace ...

Called To Be Saints (Part 5): Called to Purity

By: Thomas Clayton Booher 1 Thessalonians 4:7 For God did not call us to uncleanness, but in holiness. In our call to be saints, we are called to be holy. This is undeniably fundamental to the concept of being a saint, but how many of us can say precisely what ‘holy’ means. Take a moment to ponder that question. What does it mean to be holy, for as our text states, God has called us in holiness. Holiness is the sphere into which we have been called. It is the realm in which God has placed us. While living physically in this present evil world (Gal 1:4), we have been transferred into the holy (cf Col 1:13 ). The Old Testament high priest went into the Holy of Holies once a year on the Day of Atonement. Once a year, a mortal, sinful human being entered the holiest place on the planet, the place where God was present in all of his fullness, though not fully visible as he is within the intra-Trinitarian fellowship. In that finite cubicle chamber, there was the theophanic...