By: Nathan Fox Introduction Last week I spoke about the message of redemption from our sins through the blood of Jesus. In last week’s blog, I spoke as openly as I could about the Gospel and the way that it changes lives. I spoke of Jesus’ persecution and pain for the forgiveness of our sins. This week, the topic remains Jesus, but it turns to His superiority. It is true that He shed his blood, but what makes His blood so worthy to be shed on our behalf? What makes Him so different that the entire crux of the Christian faith rests squarely on His shoulders? What makes Jesus the one that delivered us? Paul turns to answering these questions in Colossians 1:15-20, and it is there that we will focus our attention Christ is God Colossians 1:15 says this: “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.” Look at the first part of that verse. In the first clause of this verse, Paul makes the argument that God could be seen in the fleshly body of Jesus. G...
Thoughts on the Reformed faith, preparation for ministry, and doing all to the glory of God.