By: Thomas Booher Seeking a Better Country Hart and Muether’s Seeking A Better Country was written for the 300 th anniversary of Presbyterianism in America. The book traces American Presbyterianism from its inception, and rather than writing a revisionist history to celebrate and glamorize the men who were integral to the formation and growth of Presbyterianism, the author’s wrote for accuracy and to critique, not wishing to allow Presbyterians to distort the reality of their heritage, but rather to see it with its warts and bruises intact. The authors believe that all denominations of American Presbyterianism can and should trace their roots to the first presbytery in America in 1706, the Presbytery of Philadelphia, and their intent is to show the ebb and flow of American Presbyterianism, ultimately revealing how far Presbyterians have drifted from their original convictions and their struggle to maintain a Presbyterian i
Thoughts on the Reformed faith, preparation for ministry, and doing all to the glory of God.