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Showing posts from September 8, 2024

5 Points on Generational Faithfulness at Heritage Reformed Presbyterian Church

  5 focal points on generational faithfulness at Heritage Reformed Presbyterian Church: [1.] God commands us to love Him and seek first His kingdom and righteousness above all (Matt. 6:33). Faithfulness to God is man's highest purpose, or as the Westminster Shorter Catechism Question and Answer 1 states, "What is the chief end of man? Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him for ever. (1) I Cor. 10:31; Rom. 11:36. (2) Ps. 73:25-28. [2.] God is a covenant making and keeping God, Heb. 9:15. The Gospel itself is the good news of His kingdom coming to us in Christ the King (Matt. 4:17), who now presently rules from the right hand of His Father in heaven over all things. Because Christ has all authority now, His kingdom is being built up on earth now, His Church is growing, through many trials and tribulations throughout the centuries/generations, as people from every tribe, tongue, and nation are baptized and taught. [Matt. 28:18-20] [3.] God's covenant and ki