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Showing posts from June 12, 2022

How Evangelicalism Has Eroded God's Covenant & Kingdom

By: Thomas F. Booher This is an extreme simplification, but consider: The Bible speaks of God punishing iniquity of fathers to the 3rd and 4th generation, but showing mercy to thousands of generations to those who love Him and keep His commandments (Ex. 20:5-6). Let's just take things to the 4th generation. If Christians are fruitful and faithful (and fruitfulness is faithfulness, not just having many children but raising them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and trusting that the Lord will fulfill His promises and save our covenant children), then 10 million Christians producing 5 children apiece (multiplying by 5) would bring 50 million Christians in the 2nd generation, and if you repeat that, 250 million in the third generation, and 1.25 BILLION Christians in the 4th generation. If 10 million pagans double, you'd have 20 million, 40 million, and then 80 million for the 4th generation. Tally up the scoreboard, and that's a 1.17 BILLION advantage for Christians o...

Recovering Reformed Worship to Bring Revival

I am currently reading an outstanding book on Reformed Worship. If you want a detailed understanding of why we do what we do in worship, its rootedness in Scripture, the Early Church, and recovered in the Reformation by Calvin, Zwingli, Luther, Beza, and others, then get this book. Here's an important snippet. I do not think it is an overstatement to say that our empty seeker-sensitive worship has not only opened the floodgates to apostasy, but by trying to meet "felt needs" rather than point to God in Christ and growth through His Word, has opened the door to things like the "felt needs" of drag Queens being met by dancing like whores in front of children.  If we believe in repentance, then we need to believe in telling our "felt needs" to shut up, because they are often/usually sinful desires. But I digress. Here's the quote below and a link to the book: