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Showing posts from February 27, 2022

Conservatives (State & Church) Need Serpent Wisdom

By: Thomas F. Booher Progressives can more easily embrace those to the left of them, because while they might not want X yet, they know that eventually they will. Such is the nature of Progressivism/leftward drift. Conservatives on the other hand, basically put a stake in the ground and say, "Here I stand". The weak conservatives usually have their anchor dragged leftward by the ship of progressivism. Even the stronger conservatives can rarely tolerate those to their right, because that isn't where their "stake/anchor" is planted.   This applies in state and church government. If you are considered to be "breaking ranks" with conservatives by going to the right of them/speaking out against something they are not, you're cut loose from the conservatives or even disciplined by them. Meanwhile, the conservatives who lurch leftward are still able to converse with the conservatives they departed from, mainly because the conservatives don't see those...