Reformation Bible College
The Trinity’s Influence on the American Church and Its Gospel
Doctrine of God
Thomas Booher
Sanford, Florida
May 2012
American church is not presently known for its theological prowess.
Mega-churches attract “seekers” with doctrine that the apostle Paul would
consider “ear tickling” (2 Tim. 4:3) and by centering their worship service not
around worshiping God but evangelizing
unbelievers. Recently, a pastor named T.D. Jakes participated in the Elephant
Room with several other pastors who claim to be Calvinists. The event was intended
as a gathering of Christian pastors to discuss and debate their theological and
methodological differences.[1]
Jakes’ presence caused a controversy, not only because he is a proponent of the
prosperity gospel, but for his modalistic understanding of the Trinity. While
American Christians would likely condemn Jakes’ understanding of the Trinity
once it was explained, many unwittingly ascribe to a very similar view
themselves, or alternatively to a tri-theistic understanding of the Trinity.
This is in large measure a result of pastors not preaching on the Trinity and
expressing its importance from the pulpit. The Trinity has been treated like an
anomaly, a side issue, yet the Trinity is essential to what and who God is.[2]
Consequently, the American church’s failure to understand and worship God as
triune has resulted in a disjointed understanding of who God is and what His
will is, especially regarding the atonement.
in the Westminster Shorter Catechism, the Trinity does not show up until
question six, and the extent of the explanation of the Godhead is, “There are
three persons in the Godhead: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; and
these three are one God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory.”[3]
This may indicate the devaluing of the Trinity’s importance in the Western
church’s mind. Christians often think they do well to simply avoid worshiping
other gods, keeping the first commandment , but the second commandment forbids
worshiping God wrongly. To not understand who God is in His triune nature is to
break the second commandment, because having a basic grasp of the Trinity is
necessary in order to have a fundamental understanding of God’s nature, how He
acts, and why He acts the way that He does. It should come as no great surprise
then that many church services across America do not reflect a reverent,
accurate worship of God. Jesus Christ is often seen in stark contrast to God
the Father because many do not realize that Jesus was involved in the creation
process with God the Father in Genesis (John 1:1-5), and that He and the Father
agree with one another perfectly, and indeed are one in essence (John 10:30).
Some do not realize that Christ is pre-existent, with God the Father in heaven as God the Son
before He took on flesh as a man. This misunderstanding has led to various Trinitarian
errors throughout church history and is still believed by some today.
we understand, however, that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy
Spirit have always existed in harmonious relationship with one another, we will
grasp the unity within the will of the Trinity. In fact, there is no variance
from God the Father, the Son, or the Spirit regarding their willing. Jesus as a
man came to do the will of the Father who sent Him (John 6:38), and the Holy
Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son to glorify them (John 14:16,26; 15:26;
16:7,14). All three mutually glorify and
indwell one another, and thus when one acts, all three in some capacity act,
which is referred to as perichoresis.[4]
The Trinity has never had a disagreement, because the Godhead is triune, three
in persons but one in essence. If this was understood, Christians would see
that the difficult passages of God commanding the Israelites to destroy opposing
nations in the Old Testament was just as much the will of God the Son as it was
God the Father. Yet this unity between the Father and Son is not realized, and
many believe that Jesus died on the cross to pacify an out of control, raging
Father, and even had to persuade the Father to let Him die for man.
disunity between the Father and the Son can be seen in America through R.C.
Sproul’s book The Holiness of God. Sproul
refers to what he calls a second “born again” experience, of being converted to
God the Father after he seemed to only understand and be converted to God the
Sproul soon realized God was a holy God, and that Christ came as man to be the
exact representation of the Father (Heb. 1:3). Indeed, Jonathan Edwards in his
essay on the Trinity says that Jesus exists eternally
as the express image of the Father.[6]
Again, we see there is no dissension in the Godhead; they do not act
independently of one another, but together.
good news is that there is no need to parse the words of Christ from the words
of the Father or from the work of the Spirit. They represent each other and
speak for one another. This is best seen in Scripture at Christ’s baptism, when
the Spirit appears like a dove and the voice of God the Father is heard
approving His Son (Mat. 3:16-17). This is crucial to understanding the sinless
life Christ lived and the atonement. In His life, Christ fulfilled perfect
obedience to the law through the power of the Spirit, and in like manner,
Christians are to live by the power of the Spirit to resist temptation (Rom.
5:5). At the cross, God the Father poured out His wrath on His Son, Jesus
Christ (Is. 53:10-11). Christ as a man died, but God the Son did not die, for
God is immutable and immortal. Because man sinned, a man had to atone for the
sin. Christ, as the perfect, sinless substitute of infinite value, did this on
behalf of man, gaining glory as a man for Himself.[7]
This was the Godhead’s plan from the beginning, and is the epicenter of history
as Christ’s high priestly prayer in John 17 indicates. Note that the Spirit was
involved, enabling Christ to fulfill all righteousness. Again, each member of
the Godhead is acting in unity.
nature of the atonement is misunderstood by many because they do not grasp the
triune, perichoretic nature of the Godhead. Some atheists, and even some Christians,
deny penal substitutionary atonement precisely because they think this would
make God guilty of cosmic child abuse. A proper understanding of the Trinity
illustrates, far from being cosmic child abuse, that this was the agreed upon
plan of the Godhead to glorify one another, sending God the Son to die for
sinners. This was God the Father’s way of making His Son the hero of history: Christ
purchases His bride and saves her from sin; it also makes Him king over all
creation in His humanity, redeeming it from the corruption it groans under
(Rom. 8:22). The Son was eager to do this, not reluctant. He did not have to be
talked into it by His Father, nor did He have to talk His Father into letting
Him do this. Beyond showing us the unity in the Godhead once more, this
demonstrates that God does everything for Himself, for His glory. The three
exist in relationship, enjoying one another’s company by glorifying one
The Godhead sovereignly orchestrated Creation and all history to glorify one
another, extending this glory to the Creation. Through the Creation, the Father,
Son, and Spirit are glorified through displaying wrath and grace, justice and
mercy, hate and love.
Man, too, was
created in the image of God to glorify God by joyful obedience and enjoyment of
His presence and glory.[9]
This cannot be rightly understood, however, if the Trinity is not properly
understood. Our sinfulness, even as Christians, leads us to believe that God
would not create man solely to glorify Himself. We somehow think that that
makes God an egomaniac. The truth is that it does, but this is in fact a good thing. The question is whether or
not we believe Scripture when it says that God is worthy of all the glory,
honor, and praise, forever and ever. If He is, then it would be wrong for God
not to make all things to glorify Himself, because He would be denying Himself.
Further, since God is worthy of all the glory, honor, and praise, it means that
man is not, and so to be created for the one who is infinitely worthy is
infinitely better than being created to live for oneself, who is infinitely
unworthy of living for in comparison. The American church has forgotten this,
and as a result we see many churches that preach a health, wealth, and
prosperity gospel, or a gospel that says God is all about you, making you happy
and giving you what you want like a magic genie in a bottle that is at your
beckoning and call. This sounds good to many in America because America does
not understand how much more glorious the Creator of man is than man is, and
much of God’s glory is wrapped up in the doctrine of the Trinity. When the church
forgets the Trinity, it often begins preaching a message that says man was
worth saving, indeed that God had to save man because He somehow needed them. Then
man becomes the center of the universe, the most glorious and praiseworthy
being. Nothing could be further from the truth, particularly in this fallen,
sinful world where man reigns only in wickedness.
The American
church needs to discover the God who is, and that starts with a correct understanding
of the Trinity. This needs to be taught in the Bible colleges, seminaries, and
especially from the pulpit on Sundays and in Sunday school. It is only when the
Father, Son, and Spirit are seen acting
as one without disunity that all of Scripture can be harmonized and seen as the
glorious unveiling of God’s story from first to last, all according to God’s
sovereign, impeccable plan. The focal point of God’s plan is the gospel, that
salvation has come through the righteous life of Christ and His atoning death,
but until the Trinity is firmly rooted in the hearts and minds of American
churchgoers, the full weight of the gospel will not be felt, and the sinful hearts
of man will only be affected to the degree that the truth of the gospel is
weighty to them.
[1] Eryn
Sun, “T.d. Jakes Linked to James Macdonald's Resignation from Gospel
Coalition,” The Christian Post,
(accessed May 1, 2012).
[2] R.C.
Sproul Jr., “Doctrine of God Lecture Notes” (lecture, Reformation Bible
College, Sanford, FL, January 25, 2012).
[3] Ibid.
[4] Robert
Letham, The Holy Trinity: In Scripture, History, Theology, and Worship (Phillipsburg,
NJ: P & R Publishing, 2004), 264
[5] R.C.
Sproul, The Holiness of God, 25th Anniversary Edition ed. (Carol Stream:
Ligonier Ministries, 2010), 6
[6] Jonathan
Edwards, “An Unpublished Essay On the Trinity,” Monergism,,%20Jonathan%20-%20An%20Unpublished%20Essay%20on%20the%20Tr.pdf
(accessed May 1, 2012)
[7] R.C. Sproul Jr., “Doctrine of God Lecture
Notes” (lecture, Reformation Bible College, Sanford, FL, February 1, 2012).
[8] Ibid.
[9] John
Piper, Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist, 25th
anniversary reference ed. (Colorado Springs, Colo.: Multnomah Books, 2011), 22
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