By: Thomas F. Booher Today, being a white Christian man in the United States and holding to properly ordered loves (a good definition of which is given here: ) consistently and publicly will get you labeled as a "racist" or "white supremacist" or something similar soon enough. In fact, you do not even have to be white or a man to be labeled something like a "white supremacist". But there's a rule out there today that if you can't find a minority to say it first, then what you are saying is bigoted, racist, etc. I like the phrase/terminology of "properly ordered loves" because it is harder to slander/bear false witness against. It is harder to reduce down to some sort of scary word like "racist" or "kinist" or "supremacist" or "nazi" or whatever. I would say I also like the notion of "family first", but apparently some have ev...
Thoughts on the Reformed faith, preparation for ministry, and doing all to the glory of God.