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Christian Family Worship Resources & Examples

We've been talking about family worship in our sermons and small groups some lately. Here are a few videos I recorded over the last few years, that explains our process of family worship in our home. Each family will certainly have to adapt this to their own specific needs and situations, but hopefully these are helpful.

This one is on how we do family worship:

This one is an example of our family actually doing family worship at home. Please note, we usually do not go 33 minutes. It's usually maybe 10 minutes or so. But sometimes the Lord does bless where your kids have lots of questions and one thing leads to the next.

Also, here are links to some of the resources I have used for family worship, some of which I mention in the videos.

These two I have read recently with the kids and are excellent, going through the books of Genesis-Deuteronomy with explanations, questions, and answers:

Here is the Child's Story Bible I have used for years, and have gone through 4-5 times over the last 7 years or so with the kids:

Bible Memory verses:|legacy&Ntk=keywords&event=ESRCP

Children's Catechisms:

Also this one, which can be found for free here online, though you can get print copies also:

Another resource I am beginning to use, which has comments and usually a few questions on every chapter in the entire Bible, is Joel Beeke's Family Worship Bible Guide. This may be harder for young children, but as the kids get older it is a great resource:

Of course, there's way more resources and tools out there to guide you in family worship, but I've sent enough links already.

May the Lord bless us as we raise our children in the fear, nurture, and admonition of the Lord.

In Christ,

Pastor Booher


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